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Natal Chart In-Depth Analysis

Astrological Deep Dive

1 h
150 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

Make the planets your puppets with focused insight based on your unique natal fingerprint. You are more than your sun sign! Discover your superpowers and bring balance to your life. Know where to grow! Astrology is the algorithm of your life. Comprehensive overview of important life events, timing techniques. Learn where and when to focus your efforts to improve efficiency and results. Bring ease to your life. Gain the confidence and motivation in knowing that you are "Free to be Me!" *Important note every reading includes 1-2 hour preparation and .pdf document creation which is delivered to clients email address following each live session, along with mp3 recording for future reference. **Documentation provided includes copy of Birth Chart, Elemental Analysis & Super Power Profile *** 1 Hour Natal Chart Sessions also includes upcoming transits to work with

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